Story Behind Insomnia

Story Behind Insomnia

The Insomnia t-shirt design was inspired by a painting created by the founder during the lockdown. The art illustrates the reasons behind insomnia, portraying the stress and pressure that accumulate due to daily activities and the perceived necessity for success in life.

The design features two sections representing the human body: the head and brain region, and the heart region. These sections are divided by a ring containing the universe, symbolizing an individual's life, their world, and their personal universe. The heart and arteries depicted in the design symbolize the need for love, happiness, and fulfilling one's desires.

The design emphasizes the importance of balancing worries about obligations with desires. The ring around the neck symbolizes the balance necessary for happiness, health, and growth. Failure to maintain this balance can lead to overthinking and pressure, ultimately resulting in “INSOMNIA”.
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